Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snow Angel Found in Backyard

We have snow today! As you can see from the picture, we don't have very much snow. But even a slight powdering will inspire Child #3 to make snow angels- or should we call them dirt angels? The temperature is terribly chilly, especially with the wind, so I am so glad that I finished my alpaca scarf this morning.

In other news... I have become a hopeless addict of C.S.I. You know we don't have cable, so no televisions stations, so I haven't seen any episodes until a friend of Child #1 lent us the first season of C.S.I. on DVD. My DH and I stayed up late last night and watched three episodes in a row. Is it the kids' bedtime yet?

And... in anticipation of the snow, we got our Christmas tree yesterday! For years we have been tree snobs. Only Noble Firs would do for us. But this year we got a Doug, saved $30, and absolutely love it! It is the prettiest tree yet! We spilled only one bucketfull of water in the kitchen and so far no one has knocked the tree over or chewed on the branches (like last year-or was it the year before?). We are going to hang decorations on the tree as soon as the kids and I declutter all the surfaces in the living room. This may take a year or more.