Friday, April 4, 2008

Rolling with the Punches

Now that Child #5 is square in the middle of her selfish terrible twos, we are buying three of everything (within reason). When Child #4 hit his terrible twos, we had to buy two of everything and write their initials on their toys... So yesterday, I was sent on a mission to buy another Big Wheels style bike for the backyard to keep the peace between the three of them. At Value Village we found no bikes, but we did find roller blades! Child #3 was instantly in love, and would you believe it, they had two pairs of skates in just the right sizes for my boys! For less than one admission and skate rental, I suited the boys up in their very own roller blades! But that didn't solve the problem of threes... so I had to go to Target and get Child #5 her very own Dora the Explorer roller skates too, which she loves. The three of them have been practicing their skating skills on the carpet for a day now and as soon as it stops raining we will head outside to break in their knees on the patio. Child #4 keeps asking, "What if I get a skinned knee?" which the letter d gets in Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I always reply, "I'll stick a band aid on it and send you back out." I am also repeating:

  1. Get your roller blades off the couch!
  2. Don't skate on the dog's ears!
  3. Watch out for bare toes!
  4. I thought I said no roller blades on the stairs!
  5. No, you can't wear your roller blades on the top bunk!
  6. If you want to sit on my lap, take your roller blades off!
  7. Take your roller blades off before you go to the bathroom!
  8. Don't skate so close to the TV!
My favorite was when Child #3 asked me if I had an airplane engine that he could use. So he could fly. Sorry, kid. All out of airplane engines!

We also had our first two butterflies emerge this morning!