Sunday, February 12, 2012

Camp Sheppard

IJ and M just got home from Webelos Camp with the Cub Scout pack.  They had fun, of course, and are tired, of course.  What I really love about sending them off to camp is...
 ...having the entire weekend to do whatever I want.  All weekend long.  No cooking, no cleaning...wait, I still have four kids at home, one that needed to go to a wrestling match.  And two that came down with a stomach virus.  So much for not cleaning all weekend.

Seriously, what I love about sending the boys to Webelos camp is all the work they get done while they are there.  The Webelos have several steps to advance through before they get their Arrow of Light award at the end of two years.  They work on Activity Badges, which are actually pins, each badge having several assignments associated with them.  There are 20 activity badges, but you only need to earn eight for Arrow of Light.  IJ has earned 11 badges so far.  Nine of them have been earned at Camps Thunderbird and Sheppard.  IJ's goal is to earn all 20 and earn the Super Achiever award.  He still has one more year as a Webelos, so I'm sure he'll reach his goal.
Because we homeschool, I can incorporate many of the activities into our school day, so the scholarly badges will be easier for IJ than for the other boys who are stuck in a classroom not learning.  I am happy that IJ's advancement has been something that both M and I can work on with him.  M can do all the outdoor, camping, and building projects with him, and I make sure all the box-checking gets done.  And next year, we do it all again with S!