Monday, August 17, 2015

One Month Old

What a month, eh?

This is my favorite shirt, for obvious reasons.  Feed him.  That's all he wants.  As long as he has a full belly, he is quite happy.  He is just an all around happy kind of guy!  Even when he is hungry, he doesn't cry.  He just vigorously sucks his binky. The only time he cries is when he needs to pass gas or blow out a diaper.  There is no pacing with a fussy baby this time and for that, I am extremely thankful.  When the doctor asked if Jason was irritable (when they were trying to figure out why he wasn't gaining weight), I was like, "Compared to what? Heidi was the most irritable child I've ever known, with Ian in a close second. This baby isn't even grumpy!"

He sleeps well, tolerates dairy (hooray!), and likes to get up at around 4:00 every morning for some play time.  I don't mind getting up that early.  We usually come out to the living room because this is also his loudest time a day.  He starts "talking" loudly and I don't want Mark to wake up.  Then he goes back down for a nice long nap around 6:00, right about the time I'm ready for my morning coffee.

Now that the stress of his weight gain is behind us, I feel like I can finally bond with this guy.  It didn't take long for me to fall head over heels for my wee man.  I love his big brown eyes, his wrinkly forehead, his sweet little mouth, and his tiny little chin.  He is so soft and sweet and I love cuddling him.  I'm not the only one that has gone Jason-crazy.  My four girls also love holding him and feeding him and two of my boys give him affection as they pass by (one boy is still waiting for Jason to grow out of the floppy stage before he will hold him). 

And now that we've hurdled this milestone, it is time to get back to Homeschool Plans...