Monday, September 18, 2017

Getting Ready for Rain

The last few weeks have been keeping Mark busy preparing for the coming rains, autumn, and then...winter...

Our old, ancient, vintage firewood holder finally got too broken, so Mark built us a nice sturdy one.

Ian and Shane split firewood all summer long and now Genna, Fiona, and Daniel get to load it up in the woodbox.

The geese have their own fenced area, so they have learned to come begging at the play yard fence for treats.  Geese are greatly misunderstood.  They are like autistic kids with no social skills.

They can't control their volume, so even though they sound terrifyingly loud, they are really just seeing if you have an apple core or a few blackberries to share.  I used to be scared of them, but now I try to stand still if they get too close to me....although I did throw a turkey at them the other night when they came wondering what I was doing in their pen at dusk.  If that turkey would have gone to bed where it was supposed to, I wouldn't have to go in there and get it, that's what!

Jason potty trained a few weeks ago.  This is the first time in over 15 years that I haven't had to change diapers! I can't believe how quickly and easily he switched from diapers to underwear.  He is even dry at night.

Our apple trees aren't producing much this year, probably because last year was such a huge crop.  They needed a year off.  The tree with the sweetest apples didn't have a single fruit this year.  We also didn't have any pears.  I'm kinda glad because I'm still tired from last year's canning extravaganza.

The other day I heard heavy footsteps on the roof.  It's a bit early for Santa and Mark is done fixing the roof so.... had to be those darn turkeys.  They have no respect for fencing.  Mark and the kids spent a Saturday morning clipping wings, but some turkeys got away without a clipping.

 This owl was acting weird.  It was perched on a very low branch in broad daylight, blinking slowly and not responding to us.  Mark got about five feet away from it for the picture above.  I was worried the dogs would find it, so I was happy when the kids finally scared it into a higher branch.  I'm wondering if a neighbor is poisoning rodents which are then consumed by the owls? Or if the wildfire smoke is just too much for these guys?