Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November Round Up

This month went by faster than I could track.  November isn't over yet, but here are a few highlights...

When your vaulting shoes go missing and you know that Kai loves to bury leather things in the sandbox

Various happenings with These Three (Mark and I in the background)

A few snowflakes teased us

A TON of knitting and crocheting, thanks to Co-op classes!

Lula learning about Worms in Co-op
Shane's class party at Co-op

Shane ranked up to Apprentice in Sea Scouts
Football is done, finally.  Ian is the fuzzy guy on the far right with the 42 on his front.

Mark and Daniel went Cub Scout camping
We also had orchestra and taekwondo and school and work and sickness and raising teens....what a month!