Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Santa Sail 2017

This is Shane's first year on the 76 Seafair Holiday Cruise for Special People.  The SSS Odyssey hosts Santa and the rest of the boats cruise by, waving at Santa.  What a neat event! 

Decorating the Odyssey
The Scouts (the SEA Scouts, not the boy scouts) headed up to Seattle on Saturday morning after an overnighter on the boat and had some extra time to explore the docks and other cool places nearby.  Shane and his friends stopped to admire the Virginia V...

 ...and were invited aboard for a special tour.  They got to see all the machinery in action and got
to actually flip switches and run the machines and do all sorts of things that lead to real jobs in the real world. 

Drawing of the engine

Actual crankshaft as pictured above

The Space Needle BEHIND the Odyssey.  The tall mast is the Odyssey's.

The Odyssey's Mast and the Space Needle

Shane enjoyed the float planes taking off and landing

The Odyssey: Shane's home away from home

Captain Squid Selfie

Another shot of the Virgina V

A rainbow while bringing up the anchor

Cutest Little Steamboat ever!
 After a day of fun and prep for the Santa Sail...

It started getting dark, so the pictures get blurry...but a paddle wheel!!!!
 Shane is learning so much and having the experience of a lifetime.  I borrowed these pictures from the Odyssey's Twitter account from other days:

Man overboard drills near Halloween

Recruitment Activity-Look at all those nice kids!

One more from the Santa Sail
I can excuse Shane from Christmas Tree decorating with his family if he is doing something this special!