Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

The Downen Clan celebrated New Years the way we always do...traditions, right?  We ate, we stayed up late watching a movie, and took a family picture by the clock at midnight.  But we did more than that!

While Mark took a subset of older/middle kids for a bike ride, I made glittery slime with the Little3:

Lula is a natural scientists and started exploring the physics of slime right away!  Shane couldn't stay away and joined in, asking further questions about how strong the slime is and how much it can hold before it collapses.

When the older/middle3 came home, they couldn't wait to make their own slime (good thing I bought the gallon jug of glue and have plenty of glitter left over from THIS project)

Ian couldn't stay away either.  He spent the entire day "working on his biology homework" AKA playing on his phone in his room.  But it was nice when he took a break and interacted with his family. I was sad when I realized he doesn't remember much about the physics of slime (hashtag homeschoolmomproblems).  I felt like the mom in Mean Girls (here's a link to the scene I'm talking about).  You don't know about the elastic properties of slime? We covered that in homeschool science! Who are you?!?

We chose our favorite New Year's movie, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  Only we knew we couldn't get through all three movies in one day, and we watched the other two last year, so we started with Return of the King.  Within one minute of starting the movie, we turned it off.  If Lula and Heidi get so scared they fall off the couch during The Land Before Time, there was no way they could handle LOTR.  We went with Jurassic Park instead. 

They have to learn sometime.  

New Years Eve was more fun with LED balloons and glow sticks!

I thought about setting the clock back three hours so everyone would go to bed at a normal hour, but Ian accused me of stealing that idea from Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  Actually, I got it off Pinterest, but thanks Ian!  I knew I loved the satire of the series for a reason!  Nothing humbles a mom faster than seeing herself from the point of view of her grumpy kids.

After Lula and Heidi went to bed and Jason fell asleep on my lap, we started our real movie.  We took a break for midnight:

2 (Mark)   0 (Daniel)   1  (Fiona)  4+4=8 (Shane and Ian)

And just for the record, the clock is broken.  We set it to midnight and keep it on the wall.  Our psyche is settled when we automatically look at the wall and see a broken clock instead of a blank space.
This is how I really keep time.  And if you look closely, you see the 0 fading until the 1 as the time turns.
 Then we made our traditional root beer floats.  I have no idea how this tradition started or how long we've done it, but here you go...

Yes, Jason woke up because I was not in bed with him.  And boy did he laugh when he saw that people were putting ice cream in CUPS instead of BOWLS.  Just that morning he joked about putting his foot in his shirt, so things in their proper places is big in his mind.  But ice cream in cups? We all looked ridiculous to him.

Yeah, I don't know why ice cream is a good idea in the middle of the night in winter. (Fiona did her own face paint by the way)
My goals for this year:
  • Make Homeschool Great Again!
  • Finish four knitting projects I planned last year: spring alpaca scarf, multicolored summer shawl (finished!), autumn themed wrap, and candy cane striped scarves for next Christmas.
  • Read a whole list of books including: Les Miserables, The Radium Girls, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, Uncle Tom's Cabin, A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe, Sense and Sensibility, The Iliad and the Odyssey (with Shane for school), aaaand that should be good.  I'll probably add some Louis L'Amour and Harry Potter in for fun.
  • Inspire my kids to read more (see my new banner photo on Facebook)
  • Make a better effort to cook (Whole 30 and Nom Nom Paleo, here we come!)
  • Stay focused on what I'm supposed to do (oh, crap...getting offline now)...

Yay for 2018!