Sunday, September 9, 2007

Child #4 stikes again!

This sweet, misunderstood genius of mine is finally using many words to describe his feelings. He has been so frustrating, but now he is so funny! The other day I said to Child #3, "No, you can't get any more games out until you pick up the floor!" Child #4 turns from his coloring and says in his funniest voice, "Pick up the floor? Are you going to carry it around???" and then he laughs madly and turns back to his coloring.

This picture shows Child #4 and a sculpture he created using magnetic letters. Any guesses on what it is? If you guessed "The Digestive System," you are correct. The F is the mouth, the R is the esophagus (with heart next to it), the blue L is the stomach, the red L is the small intestine, the T is the large intestine, and the M is the bottom (it looks like one, upside down, doesn't it?). The upside down seven is the leg. Now, I never would have known what this was if I hadn't overheard him reciting the steps under his breath as he put it together. But how does an almost four year old know such things? Thank The Magic School Bus and Ms. Frizzle. In one episode, the magic school bus shrinks and takes a field trip through Arnold to see what happens to food after one eats it. We love this show. My favorite quote (that Child #3 knows by heart) is "Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!"

Oh Oh Oh! This is the best news ever!!! Child #5 is POTTY TRAINED! Yes! I did it! I successfully potty trained three children in three consecutive years! I think I deserve a blue ribbon in parenting for that feat!