Friday, March 14, 2008

Finally over the flu!

After 14 days of feeling under the weather with a "flu-like virus" I am finally able to start getting back into a groove. I'm still waking up to cough all night long, but I guess this is just training for the new baby!

On the fourth day of my fever, we got a package in the mail... our caterpillars! They were teeny-tiny little caterpillars, about a quarter of an inch long. My plan (before I got sick) was to do an entire unit (science, reading, writing, spelling, art, etc) on caterpillars and butterflies for all three kids. I had everything all planned out, including having the books checked out from the library. But because we were sick (and I was the sickest) I took the laid-back unschooling approach and have just let them read about caterpillars and butterflies in books of their choosing. Child #4's book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, which they all enjoyed. Child #3 can tell me all about the life cycle of a butterfly and how to tell the difference between moths and butterflies. Child #5 can count to 20...but that isn't butterfly related, just scary. Now our caterpillars are about two inches long and should be starting their crysalids any day now!