Friday, February 29, 2008

This Kid Rocks!

We joined the local homeschool "Explorers" group for an afternoon of rock wall climbing at the YMCA today. Child #3 proved that he is his father's son by climbing to the very top of the 35ft wall three times! That was more than any other kid under the age of ten in the group. We are so proud! Child #4 also tried, but got a little scared at 8ft and came down. He stopped crying after we pointed out that the belay line was just like grandad's swing. But we are proud of him for trying to climb the wall. Child #5 is too small for the safety harness, so she had to be content with climbing free style along the practice wall. She was not content and wanted to go higher.

A hole is to dig! This is the latest version of the hole in our garden. Child #2 lent a helping hand and made the hole into a full blown pit. She had plans to put a roof on the top to make a burrow for my little rodent children, but the risk of collapse is too high. It's a good thing we didn't really want a garden this spring anyway.

I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday and the baby is now in the head-down position and is ready for delivery in 8 weeks! I'm of course feeling like 8 weeks is too long to suffer with discomfort, but too short until I have another little bundle to care for...

DH had his promotion test this afternoon for Taekwondo (the boys tested last week) and he did really well. This was a high pressure test now that he is instructor level and representing the school. Plus, he was tested by high-ranking Master's while under the influence of a nasty cold. But luckily the pen movements he thought were "retest" marks ended up being smiling faces drawn by the Master on his test paper.