Friday, February 20, 2009

I Hate February!

February is my absolute least favorite month. Least. Last. Ultimate. Hate it. February makes me feel dead inside. Like I've been listening to Tool or Black Sabbath or Judas Priest or some other yucky heavy metal band. I feel like someone could reach inside my chest cavity and pull off a section of my heart and it would crumble with dry rot. The rain is gray and wet and dark and I can't get my booty in gear. Bleh.

But the moment I realize that I'm over half-way through the month and Spring (O wonderful blissful Spring!) is only one month away, I cheer up! Spring rain is wet and gray, but it also has a green color it leaves behind! Get it? LEAVES?

And of course this face: ALWAYS cheers me up! This is the face F makes whenever we point the camera her way. Yes, I know. I said the camera was in Twin Firs. This one is A's. I had to borrow it. I couldn't possibly go several weeks without taking pictures.

But the most amazing thing happened to me this afternoon. The one thing that can cheer up a women no matter what! Not chocolate. Not roses from her True Love. Not money. Oh no. This is even better. SMALLER JEANS!!!! In a size I haven't worn since my first child was born. M joked the jeans may have been marked the wrong size, and that may be possible. Size numbers are so relative. Coincidentally, his new pants he needed to wear to Taekwondo testing this evening were marked his size, but were way too small. But I tell you: the power that one number on my new jeans had over me today was more powerful than any other force here on Earth.

And I feel great!