Monday, February 9, 2009

More Details About My Boring Life

We've got F hooked on smoothies. Really, what is Gerber baby food other than pureed things? Here she is with a spinach, bok choy, celery, grape, strawberry, kefir smoothie. Yum!And today, M took the Vitamix to a whole new level. We make oatmeal almost every morning for breakfast. We eat about 25 pounds of oatmeal in two months. I order my organic oatmeal in bulk from a drop-ship company once a month. We save SO MUCH money this way. We are able to feed our whole family on whole organic grains, blueberries, and organic milk for much less than what we were spending on boxed cereal at the grocery store. Healthier, cheaper, better!

The bad thing, however, to us eating blueberry oatmeal every morning was that E would pick the blueberries out of her oatmeal and leave the rest. And the rest would sit on the table all day and be offered to her for lunch. And then dinner. And should would refuse to eat all day. So, M decided to start using the Vitamix to puree the blueberries first and then stir it into the now purple oatmeal. Success!

And then this morning, Mr. Brilliant added a new secret ingredient! He added asparagus to the blueberries in the Vitamix and put that in the oatmeal!

I can just imagine the kids' friends in the future: "Man, your house has all the cool alien movies and video games and rock music, but Dude! Your parents put asparagus in your oatmeal! That's lame! Let's stay here instead."

But you can't taste it. And I'm going to go have another bowl...