Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sun Tea

If my feelings turn to blue,
I toss some happy in my stew,
And slurp it up without a spoon,
And gaze out at the milky moon.
~ Baby Einstein: Baby Van Gogh

Grandad is really sick today.  His congestive heart failure is beating the cancer.  Did you know it is possible to be dehydrated and be so filled with fluid that you can drown, all at the same time?  And did you know it is very hard to get a person to drink when they are suffering the psychological effects of drowning?  He is very weak and we are anxious to get him back in the hospital to drain the fluid from where it's not supposed to be and put some good hydration where he needs it.  Tomorrow morning can't come fast enough.

I wanted some sun tea, but my closed up little mind couldn't think past the fact that my sun tea container's spigot leaks.  And I don't want tea leaking all over the place.  In one tiny little flash, I realized duh... I don't need a special sun tea jar from WalMart.  I can use my canning jars.  They are the perfect size for a single serving.

I once told A, my grown-up daughter, that if she ever caught me using jars for drinking glasses she can haul me out to the pasture and shoot me (and for the record, I typed the word "catched" instead of "caught" and wondered why I spelled it wrong.  Yep, I have a tiny little brain today.  Or I spend a lot of time talking to a three year old).  I told her this when I was recycling the glass jar collection that had accumulated over the years... you know... because the jars might be useful for something... don't tell her that I'm using my jars for sun tea, okay?