Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Barbie Goes to the Spa

I am not a huge Barbie fan.  I'm not so anti-Barbie that I would prevent my daughters from ever having them, but I'm certainly not going to use our hard-earned money to buy them!
The other day a very nice person with no daughters gave F a Barbie doll.  She is supposed to share it with her older sister, but that hasn't happened yet.  I don't think E wants to play with her anymore anyway.
See, Barbie spent some time eating some "strawberry cake" that F made in backyard.  Those of us who lack imagination call it mud pie.
I don't know who had more fun: me (laughing so hard I couldn't take pictures), F (who saw nothing funny about her game), or IJ- who unashamedly joined in and encouraged Barbie to binge on "strawberry cake."