Thursday, May 31, 2012

Poor Sick Baby

We've seen a lot of this around:
D has had a fever for a few days with a congested cough and runny nose.  He has been doing a lot of sleeping and crying.  The illness is one of those where we are unsure if he should go see a doctor.  We made an appointment, but cancelled after he started running around and playing again.  He is up and down.  Every day he gets a little better.  But not better enough for us to resume normal life.
They didn't dress in matching outfits on purpose, I promise.  D takes turns with our laps.  Sometimes he is absolutely inconsolable and only wants his daddy.  M does not like it when his babies are sick and suffering!

The other kids got an entire day off school today...almost.  They had to do history and literature.  But the rest of the day was spent watching a cartoon series they discovered at the library.  Anyone ever hear of King Arthur and the Knights of Justice?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  According to Wikipedia, the show was ranked  as first on the lists of The 10 Most Ridiculous Adaptations of Arthurian Legend (2009) and the 8 Mostly Forgotten '90s Cartoons (2011).  This was done by a site for nerd news.  I haven't explored the site yet so I won't post a link just in case, but it looks funny so far.  Anyway, my kids LOVE this show.  It's like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-only the heroes are football players transported back in time to rescue King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.  I can barely sit through it.  I must be old.  And female.