Saturday, September 20, 2014

Who's Up for Round Two?

I only made it three weeks into this school year and I'm already pulling our family out of the new school program.  One week before school officially started, I placed an order with the school district for our materials.  One month later, they still hadn't received anything.  They have all items shipped to them, they enter each book into their library system, add a sticker, and reship the items to me.  By this rate, I wouldn't receive my school materials until mid October.  I cannot waste another day.  Especially since the school wanted me to write an in depth review of every learning activity I have patched together and they wanted each activity matched to an Essential Academic Learning Requirement created by the state.  Sorry, I don't have a degree in education.  I don't feel like I need to jump through those bureaucratic hoops.
Equilibrio: A critical thinking game involving blocks, balance, and symmetry.
Mark is the bestest husband ever.  I offered to pay for all the math curriculum I needed for Ian and Shane if he could front me enough to cover language arts and history for them.  He added in Rosetta Stone to sweeten the deal and we dug into savings.  I already own the girl's curriculum, thanks to Grandad's assistance when we were planning on leaving our last program a few years ago.  And thanks to my dad hiring me to work for him, we will be able to stay in Homeschool Fridays for the rest of the year.  So, look at us! We are independent homeschoolers using the classical, literature-based ecclectic notebooking style I have always dreamed of!