Monday, October 6, 2014


You know when you are on a long road trip, the urge to photograph moving scenery out the window gets a little old?  Like, right when you see something awesome, you pull out your camera and adjust the settings...whoosh...the moment is gone.  So then you just watch out the window and enjoy the ride... That's pretty much what I've been doing.
I think I have an unfinished post about how Heidi started walking just after her 9th month and now at ten months, walking is her primary form of locomotion.  She burns a lot more calories, so I'm trying to get more fatty foods into her.  She is above the 97th percentile for height, but only 50th for weight.  She is so cute and so funny and she is most certainly Daniel's little sister.  She grabbed a chew stick from Jack (remember, he is a vicious pit bull) and went to stick it in her mouth.  I quickly said, "Yuck!' to her and she just laughed and tried to eat it again.  Jack just waited patiently for her to give it back.
If it weren't for me and Shane, Ian would have a marshmallow on that stick.
Shane is still hanging on to eating a Whole9 menu...for one more day!  He is glad he tried it out, but I'll be glad when he is willing to resume whole grains and milk. Daniel is "broken" of his peanut-butter-and-jelly-cut-into-two-big-triangles habit and is now willingly eating different foods.  I've let him resume bread and cereal, but not ketchup or jelly or sugar in his porridge!
Coyote Ugly
I also have a half-written post about the lessons Kai is teaching us.  Like keeping important things picked up, keeping shoes in our cubbies and not on the floor, and finishing your meals during meal time.  I caught him chewing on my Birkenstock today and he is still scared to come close to me.
Lula, pointing to letters on the keyboard
Lula, who barely spoke a few weeks ago, strings two words together, the first being, "Evie, stop!"  But, the most amazing thing is that she knows all her letters.  And she can barely talk.  Not only can she pick up a letter tile or point to a keyboard letter and name it, she can sign it as well.  She really tries to finger spell words too. 

Check out the color of this October sky!!! Can you believe that I took this picture today???  The weather was so beautiful.

What do you think? Mild or harsh winter ahead?
We got to visit with Laura and Shane (and their baby due January 2015) over the weekend.  They came down to stock up on firewood given by their other grandparents.  I took no pictures because of my road trip mentality.  Sorry.  And speaking of grandbabies, Ami's baby is due in fourteen days and I'm on call!  Now THAT I will bring the camera for!