Friday, July 3, 2015


We have a little over two weeks until our next little blessing joins our family!  I have such a list of things to do and I'm pretty anxious to get Mark home and focused on what I need him to do... Nesting.

Mark is busy with his own list of things to do before the baby is born.  Men nest too, did you know?  He has a ton of loose ends to tie up at work, Boy Scouts, the YMCA, and...

Lucy-growing like crazy!
...he wanted some more geese.

These five geese are Embden geese.  We can't tell which are male and which are female, but at some point we will be setting up a grazing circle in the pasture and encouraging them to produce meat.  And for the record, these geese are for Evie because she is a hard-working little farm girl who is always happy to get up early and head out to check on all her poultry projects.  She has a clutch of duck eggs that are due to hatch in six days brooding under a hen right now.  Plus the chicks she hatched out earlier this spring.  Now Mark and Evie are moving into geese....they have five years to make it work *wink*