Saturday, July 4, 2015

The End of the Screen Ban

I'm pretty sure the kids think they are getting away with the fact that this ban is actually only 4 weeks instead of a full 30 days....but it is HOT and I am TIRED and I need a babysitter that will turn my kids into lifeless zombies again.

They have played outside in the pool and on the trampoline, hung out with poultry, climbed trees, thrown the frisbee, taken apart the broken bikes, colored a winter's worth of fire starter pictures, played with stuffed animals and blanket forts, read, and pretty much did what kids are supposed to do.  Because making movies like this is perfectly normal, right?

I've seen the greatest change in Daniel and Fiona.  One doesn't throw as many fits, the other finds ways to entertain herself without asking for a movie first.  Ian didn't change at all.  He is the one that asked if he could clean the house last night so he could get started on screens right away this morning.