Friday, November 20, 2015

Weathering the Storm

So, we had a windstorm a few nights ago, on Tuesday, just a few days after the power outage we had over the weekend.  We lost power right after we finished popping a big batch of popcorn and boiling a bunch of water for cocoa.  It was perfect timing.

Running in the Wind
Playing in the flooded pasture (dodging branches)
Wouldn't wear a coat. Or shoes.
Too gusty for kites
The kids thought it would be fun to go out and play in the wind and it was.  Heidi got cold quickly, so I took her in (kicking and screaming) to sit by the fire.  It wasn't like we could put her in a warm bath with no power!

Favorite Picture of the Week
 We couldn't decide which picture was cuter, this one:

Or this one:

Lucky for us, our power came back on just in time to heat up some leftovers for dinner.  I was very thankful.  Squishing ten power-hungry people into one living room is not as fun as it used to be.  I can distract with reading out loud for only so long...