Monday, November 9, 2015

Ten Weeks

We've reached the Ten Week mark in our homeschool.  I do try to focus on the positives while staying true to our day to day insanity without complaining too much about the difficulties.

I mean, duh, I knew this year was going to be challenging.

Telling secrets!

My challenges are many (why would Heidi choose NOW to potty train? Can't she wait until spring?), but I think the biggest has become Fiona's math.  I don't think she is necessarily BAD at math, although I still feel pecked to death when I teach her.  I think that she just needs to find a method that isn't spiral learning that can be taught in very short lessons one topic at a time.  I also think Saxon can make some lessons more difficult than they need to be.  When she was learning the adding 9 facts, Saxon introduced the lesson by reviewing adding 10 to a number then teaching the trick to add ten, subtract one.  Fiona did better just memorizing flash cards and doing a timed test.  I think she developed a short attention span and a lazy mind because I am often interrupted ("No, Heidi, go to the potty! Lula, stay out of the sink! Daniel, stop jumping on your brother! Mark, make me some coffee!") during her math time.

I do also wonder if she has developed a mental block against math because I get so frustrated so quickly, especially during my school time "witching hour."  I'm going to try to be sneaky and trick her into doing math without actually teaching her in a traditional sense.