Monday, December 14, 2015

Santa Claus is coming.... Twin Firs!

Tonight, the local fire department brought Mr. and Mrs. Claus down our dark and deserted road just to visit the children that live in our neck of the woods.

We waited at the top of our driveway in the glow of the van's headlights, listening to the howling coyotes in the distance.  The stars were bright through the overhead trees and the little girls were just a tiny bit spooked...

...But then we could hear them in the distance! Christmas music and large trucks!

We were jumping and waving and calling, "Merry Christmas!"

Lula hasn't smiled in a Santa picture since the year she was born.  I guess it is now a tradition.

Heidi liked waving to the fire fighters.

Daniel finally got to ask for a jelly gun (thanks, Rudolph movie) and a lump of coal (thanks Ian and Shane).  Santa laughed and laughed at Daniel's request.  But don't you know that coal is a source of energy and if you put it under enough pressure and temperature, you get a diamond? You DON'T want to know how a certain older brother told Daniel he could accomplish this, but I can tell you I really wanted to ground him from screen forever, but I was laughing too hard.  Daniel is my lump of coal that will be a very shiny diamond someday.

Jason wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he was cute nonetheless.

My kids kept accidentally pulling on the elastic next to Santa's ear...

Living on the dead end of the KP isn't always so bad.