Friday, January 15, 2016

A New Normal

So, I got a job.  I work two days a week out at my parent's house.  I won't bore anyone with the details, but my job involves taking orders and shipping them and some light bookkeeping.  The funny part about this is that when I first graduated from high school, I was going to major in business.  There is always a job for someone with a business degree.  But it was so. boring. My environmental science class was way more fun plus we got to go on field trips all the time.  So I majored in fun. And almost every job I've had since graduating for college was business-based (except the one that got me married to my boss-haha).

Jason likes to watch the various birds out the window.

Ian stays home and enjoys the peace and quiet of the house while we are gone, although I'm pretty sure he blasts the music. He is, after all, his father's son.  I don't know if I ever blogged about his school year.  He is doing US History/Literature and Algebra 2 here at home and is taking both writing and science outside the home once a week. With a real teacher that gives grades!  His favorite part is the break between classes when he tosses the football around with the other guys, which he considers his PE. No official school would ever accept that as physical education, but whatever. We homeschool (for now) so we can do what we want (haha).

Too bad we had an illness (flu maybe?) that wiped out half the ducks (sad face)

I'm not sure how the job is going to impact the way I homeschool the rest of the kids.  I am super blessed that I can take the kids with me and that they can work on their schoolwork there. Plus, my parents are there, so they get to spend time with the grandkids every week and can even help out on school.  It really is a great opportunity, especially now that the roof has started leaking badly and needs to be replaced.  But my homeschool style and plans for the year were/are very me-involved: me sitting with my nursing baby reading out loud to everyone with oral discussion afterward.  So far we are digging the books on CD/MP3 in the van and playing Mad Libs.

I'm sure if the boys hadn't had broken my favorite coffee mug last night, I would be feeling excited about finding new ways to homeschool and new curricula to spend my paycheck on.  Check back with me in a week, okay?