Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Two days after our cousins headed back to PA, Genevieve, Jason, and I headed north to Lynden for Regionals in vaulting.  She moved up from walk to preliminary trot for this competition.  At Genevieve's request, I took video instead of pictures.  I apologize in advance for baby interference:

This first video is a Green Horse test where the horse is being tested and Genevieve is just the rider.  The judges are scoring Ruger on his ability to listen and follow the directions of the lunger.

Genevieve works hard on her routines and has them down pat. She isn't the type of person who likes to make things up as she goes along. She likes structure, routine, and rules.  So when the parent volunteer in charge of music started playing her HORSE freestyle music instead of her barrel freestyle music, she froze.  Here are the videos:

I thought they were going to stop the music and let her restart, but the rules are once you start, you are going.  So I turned the camera back on...

...and she did a great job of combining the moves that match the music with the moves that go with the barrel.  I was so proud of her for going forward.  And now she knows the proper way to signal that the music is wrong before she gets on the barrel.  She won 4th place (of 11 girls) in barrel even with hiccup.

The next video is compulsories, which is the required series of movements held for a required time (one of these days I will know what everything is and then I will tell you):

She came in 4th place for compulsories as well.  I have copies of the scores, but I haven't digested the awesomeness of the data yet.  Genevieve and I will analyze them as a math lesson...

The pictures I have for freestyle are either blurry or boring.  Getting good pictures of a trotting horse is much harder than a walking horse! Especially with Jason yanking my hair from the backpack!

Her music was right this time and Genevieve got 1st place for freestyle!

By the time the ribbon ceremony came around, Jason was so done with strollers and backpacks and places that weren't designed with babies in mind.  I don't have any pictures of Genevieve earning

1st Place Overall!!!

How can that happen with two 4th places?  The math. And barrel didn't count in the overall score!!!  So the average between her two horse events gave her first place!

Sunday's event was just for fun.  The vaulters hear a clip of music on Saturday and then think about a routine overnight and perform it.  Coincidence that Genevieve's music was Cusco: Grandad and Mark's favorite to listen to together? On Father's Day??