Wednesday, June 1, 2016

When the Boot Fits

This has been A Year of Grace as far as homeschooling goes.  A few weeks (months?) back, I hit another wall and needed to just call it quits.  I couldn't continue with what I thought I should be doing verses what I was actually doing.

I started reading books on Unschooling.

Yep. I sunk that low.  I, the person who thought unschooling worked fine for some people, but not for me, started thinking that I should just call myself an unschooler.

I was just finding an excuse or any reason to justify my failures.  Because I don't actually like the idea of letting my kids be in charge of their days.  I know without a doubt that they would be the kids that choose video games over all academics.  And I can't go there. No.

And then I stumbled upon Thomas Jefferson Education.  This is how: a person I didn't know posted on the vaulting facebook page that they were collecting textiles for a homeschool group fundraiser.  Now, I know all the homeschool groups out here, so of course I asked which group it was for.  The group is new and an offshoot of an established group in Tacoma.  One requirement in joining is reading A Thomas Jefferson Education.  I read it.  And researched.  And read the next book in the series.  And joined the Facebook page run by the authors.  And I'm hooked.

It turns out I've been homeschooling the right way for our family all along.  With my change in thinking, I've seen an amazing change in my home.
