Monday, October 17, 2016


I used to really look forward to storms, especially if the power went out.  I loved getting cozy by my fire, a knitting project or book in my hand.  The kids would play flashlight hide-n-seek when it got dark and board games by lantern light. 

Then my trampoline blew away and we had to replace it.  And I no longer like storms.

I prepped like crazy for this storm that was predicted to have hurricane winds.  I precooked a ton of meat so Mark and I wouldn't starve (thanks, Whole30-those cases of Top Ramen looked pretty good in Costco).  I made sure we had plenty of water for flushing, cleaning, and drinking.  We got enough coffee ground to last a week.  I washed all the laundry (but didn't bother folding it-that can be done without electricty). I worried that the trampoline would blow away and wished Mark would weigh it down with something super heavy... like the house or something...

But then nothing happened.

Nothing but THIS DUMB TREE
I still need to fold that laundry...