Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Au Natural

This is the first sunny Saturday afternoon I've enjoyed in a very long time.

Turkey Eggs by Hairy Scary Rock

Can you see her? Mama Nettles on her Nest
Don't take my picture while I'm broody!

Me Neither! Don't take my picture while I'm broody!

Guess what she is about to do?
Called it.  Caught it.
Seriously so beautiful.  Colored plastic eggs suck in comparison.

This Mean Mama has six duck eggs under her.
Mark's new baby turkeys (Blue Slate and Pencil Stripe?)
Mark also has a bunch of turkey eggs in an incubator in the living room.  They should start pipping in about two weeks.  We have a new 4-H club starting up nearby and I may end up as the poultry leader...wish me luck!