Thursday, April 27, 2017

Turkey Hatching

There aren't too many things in this world more exciting than watching turkeys hatch.
Zipping: When the chick has pecked from the inside so it looks like a zipper
Mark started this incubator full of turkey eggs that he found here and there, abandoned in mud, left in the poop under the perch... he scrubbed them up, stuck them in, and hoped for the best.

Turkeys hatch head first and then wiggle free
 Genevieve was glued to the incubator, watching and recording every pip and hatch.  It would have been the perfect 4-H project for showing at the fair... but I guess after we get officially signed up we can do it again next year....

Awe, a newborn!
 ...or in 28 days. Yes, the incubator is full again with eggs Mark found out in the woods.

We are going to have turkeys coming out our ears!