Sunday, August 13, 2017

Shark Bait

Many moons have passed since Mark has had a day off that coincides with a good night's sleep and no home improvement projects.  The little kids and I have been neglected in our travels outside the surrounding property, so we decided that today would be a good day to head to the beach.  For the kids' sake.  We, Mark and I, would have been happy to stay home and disappear in our hobbies.

We decided to go to Penrose since we went to Joemma last time.  Penrose has a great intertidal zone with tons of critters and fun rocks and trees to climb on.  I love taking pictures of the kids there, so I made sure I brought my lazy lens.

I was just getting started with picture taking when Daniel, who was swimming barefoot against my wishes...

 ...stepped on a very sharp shell.  He said, "Hey mom, take a picture of my blood dripping into the water!" like any boy would, right?

When the blood pooled all around his legs, I had to get a better look.  I immediately scooped him up in my arms, said, "Come on, Shark Bait, we gotta go home."

After cleaning his deeply cut toe and reassuring him that we would not take him in to see the doctor, we made sure he was nice and toasty warm and not suffering from shock (he cried hard all the way home and he really did bleed a LOT).  He is now happily playing video games with everyone else crowded on the couch watching.  You know, SpongeBob does have a song about the safety of staying indoors...