Monday, February 26, 2018

Laughing Lula, Daring Daniel

"Five plus five is ten!" followed by joyous laughter
Joy was the perfect middle name for Lula.  Everything she hears or says is followed by laughter.  I read a short story about iguanas to her today and she laughed all the way through.  It wasn't funny though! She was just delighted that iguanas can be six feet long and walk on a leash.  How amazing that they eat fruit and can climb curtains and sit on your head!

She also talks at a higher than normal volume, much like her older brother and her grandad.  Those three have no inside voice.  When Lula reads out loud, I have no problem hearing her over the cacophony these two make:

Trolls under the table

Jason is a nice little buddy at the table when he isn't being a demanding two year old who wants workbooks too.

He likes to joke about putting the wrong colors together.
 The little kids are finally trained to know where their place is at the table and which workbooks (coloring books) belong to them.  What a relief.

Daniel has hit his first wall for math and it's about time!

Double digit addition with carrying has slowed him up a bit.  He is the kind of kid that is always in a hurry, so he tends to get sloppy.  He wasn't too happy when I erased a bunch of his answers.  But I did the writing the second time around so he could focus on carrying the one.  What do you do with a kids whose brain is as fast as a computer, but the programming is glitchy? Sigh.

But at least I have this:

Making the lower living room great again! (joking!!!)
He loves history and exciting stories of daring and adventure, especially if there is a lot of battle and killing.  I have a picture book version of Gilgamesh that he enjoyed. He has spent the last two days building walls around his great cities.  We also have a hardback copy that Grandad bought many years ago that my older students can read.  If they dare.