Monday, January 28, 2008

No new pics...

I don't have any new pictures to post, but by popular demand I will write about our boring lives...

I got a new dishwasher for my birthday after handwashing dishes for six months. The new dishwasher rocks! We have been testing it to see how dirty a dish can be without coming out clean. So far the only thing that hasn't come out spotless it oatmeal that has been scorched and left to dry for an entire day. I love this dishwasher! As Child #2 (who has dish duty three nights a week) says, "Doing the dishes is now fun."

Child #3 had ear infections over the weekend. He suffered with ear pain for two days before it became to unbearable. For those two days he mentioned that his ear hurt when he woke up and when he went to sleep, but never during the day. He played, ran around, went to Taekwondo, did school work, and never said a word. By the time the infection was "nasty"-as described by the doctor, he finally started to cry about it. The doctor also said that Child #3 had a high tolerance to pain. No kidding. He is the one that will play outside in 28 degree weather for an hour.

I was very tired last week due to the baby's growth spurt. I swear, my belly doubled in size in just one week! I finally got around to processing our Halloween pumpkin that we never carved. I kept telling the kids that we would make a pie out of it. I had the kids help me clean the gunk out of the inside of the pumpkin, which was very fun for us all! They donned their Pampered Chef aprons and hats and busily pulled out the slime. When they were done with the fun part, but were still infected with the chef's spirit, they went and watched Ratatouille while I finished the job. It took me four days to cut, cook, puree, and store it because I was so tired. I still haven't made the pie. But I did make some tasty pumpkin pie oatmeal! So, at the rate I'm working, considering I'm doing October projects in January... I'll get the salt dough Christmas ornaments done in March and our Valentine's day cookies done in May... but at least we are getting our school work done.