Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fashion Faux Pas

Faux Pas literally translates into "False Not" which is a double negative. Which would be a positive. So my DH's fashion faux pas in the eyes of a teenager would actually be just fine...especially if one was surrounded by other men in kilts, say at a Scottish Highland Games. I get the Best Wife in the World Ever award for allowing DH to purchase this nice Utilikilt last weekend. While he was being fitted, women from all around flocked to see the sexy man with the Chacos. I was forced to claim my territory in defense against these women! I said, "Aren't the kids behaving themselves so nicely? And the baby is sleeping through the whole thing!" as three little kids ran circles around the double stroller, made faces in the mirror, and tried to hang from the booth's tent poles.

You should see his roundhouse kick...or maybe not;)

But who really wears the pants in this relationship?

Warning! Graphic Content in next story! Sensitive readers beware!

I decided to cloth diaper Baby shortly before she was born for a variety of reasons, one of which is cloth diapers are far more sanitary, contrary to common misconceptions. I had three babies in disposables, and washed/stained many sets of clothes from poopy "blowouts." I read that blowouts don't occur at such a high rate in cloth as they do in plastic. Today we learned that this is indeed true. I haven't had a single blowout in my good old-fashioned prefold diapers. But I have some disposables left over from the first weeks when we didn't want to deal with cloth diapers that I needed to use up. Sure enough, this morning the poop flew right out the back of the diaper, onto my lap, and ran like the Yangtze River onto the floor. I think I will sell the rest of the disposables on craigslist.

Here Baby is outfitted in an organic cotton T-shirt that says "Handle With Care" paired with wool soaker shorts, yarn dyed with Kool Aid, hand knit, and lanolized all by yours truly. A fresh clean Indian Prefold is securely Snappied (no more diaper pins!) underneath. Child #5 has also moved to wearing cloth at night instead of a disposable Pull Up. She loves being diapered "like a baby" at night, although she stays dry most nights.