Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pity Party and Naked Mole Rat

I was abandoned this weekend! I was left all by myself...with the four youngest kids...and My Pathetic Doberman...and no debit card...and NO WAY TO ESCAPE (no van). Feel sorry for me!

Child #3 created a new game after watching hours and hours of Johnny Quest. They are super heroes. Child #3 is Jaguar Man (in a leopard costume). Child #4 is Bat Man (after much arguing over whether or not he could choose his own character. Child #3 wanted him to be Bat Boy). Bat Man's costume is the fruit bat costume from Halloween. Child #5 is Naked Mole Rat Girl. And this is her costume. Her character was created by her older brother who doesn't see anything strange about pretending you are a Naked Mole Rat. Yesterday they feasted on Jaguar Snacks (lunch meat), Bat Snacks (crackers), and Naked Mole Rat Snacks (a carrot). Their secret hideout is in their bedroom and is called CRR. Don't tell anyone that I know where they are! Like the noise wasn't the first clue...

At least they are using their imaginations. I was starting to worry.

A smile is worth a million bucks. Baby is starting to interact with me. She was making some squeaking demanding noises that usually come before a loud crying spell. I copied her sounds back to her. She stopped, looked at me, and repeated her squeak, which I again repeated back. She forgot about crying and smiled real big at me. She is no longer a newborn and is just beginning the cute baby phase! Now if only she would stay asleep for longer than two minutes so I can get some work done!

I saw a great movie last night called August Rush. I recommend it to anyone who likes music! But if you have a super soft spot in your heart for kids (like I don't have six kids by not liking them), you might find yourself considering adopting a bunch!