Friday, November 14, 2008

Dial-Up Blues

Its incredibly painful trying to blog with dial-up when something in Windows is trying to download. I've avoided getting online the last few days because my IT guy (M) has been gone in the field since Tuesday. He got home last night and will be leaving again today for a weekend at Twin Firs. Then he will be home one more day and leaving again on Tuesday for another three days. So my computer time will be unpredictable for the next week...

I have no new pics today because I don't want to wait for an upload, but I do have a few cute snippets of conversation...

IJ said the most poetic thing I've ever heard a 6 year old say (this is approximate): I think that at night, the day is dying. When the sun goes down it is like the day died. After the night is over and the sun comes back up, it is like the day is coming back to life and the sun is being born again. I've thought this for a long time, but I kept it inside. Today I let it out and passed it along.

This morning E decided that she wanted to play with a purse. IJ wanted it so he could put things in all the pockets. I said, "Only girls carry purses. They put their identification and their money and..." What else do girls carry in their purses? E piped up in her squeaky voice, "And LOLLIPOPS in it?!?!"

S is still into numbers. He has been asking, "What is the biggest number you can get to?" which starts a dicussion about infinity. He brings me a piece of paper with a number written on it and asks me what number comes next. S really likes billions and hundred thousands.

F is almost crawling! She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks forward and backwards. Yesterday she was airing out diaperless and practicing her crawling skills. She kept hopping forward and with her fat little thighs she looked just like a baby frog!

I have one busy Friday this morning, a playdate this afternoon with our best Taekwondo pals, and then getting everyone ready for the trip to Twin Firs!