Saturday, November 8, 2008

Passing the Peas and Passing Out

Where have I been, you ask? Wednesday morning I awoke to a tender breast which turned quickly into mastitis, leaving me feeling like I had a carpet pulled out from under my feet. I went from shivering so violently that I couldn't feel my fingers from the nerve damage to a temperature of 103.5! Thank God I have a good friend that came to take care of me and our six kids (collectively). She brought me medicine and water and made sure I went to the doctor instead of just sticking it out and I am now feeling much better. Of course when the mom is sick, the whole home falls apart. So I have been busy trying to catch up while remembering to take my meds... oops, missed one.

Baby F got her first taste of peas last night! No nasty Gerber peas for this little ogre! Frozen peas, pureed, are much much tastier and you can see by the look on her face that she really enjoyed them! So pass the peas, please! And early, early, this morning, like around 4:30, sweet E woke me up, woke the baby up, and decided she needed to sleep in my bed. I couldn't argue with her. My body still ached from the mastitis, I stayed up too late last night from sleeping so much on Wednesday and Thursday, so I just scooted over for her. Before I could get back to sleep, another voice echoed through my room... "I had a bad dream!" wailed S. "Oh, you poor thing," says M, "Here, get in bed with us. A, could you scoot over? You have plenty of room over there!" Keep in mind Baby F is in between us. And M had no idea E was on my other side. We were squished like sardines and no one went back to sleep...until now: And a big congratulations to M, who took his second level test for his second degree black belt last night. This was a huge test, especially since this is his busy time of year for surveys. He did a three kick combination for board breaking without putting his foot down once! His side kick (which was the second in the series) was so fast his foot got caught in the broken board as he pulled it back!

Latest Savant News.... Anyone remember S's special gift for knowing the ordinal position of every letter in the alphabet? The other day he said to me, "J plus J equals T." I say, "Huh?" and think for a second before I start counting letters on my fingers. (Start counting, I won't tell you the answer.) This morning, as we were watching Thomas the Train at 5:30, M turns to S and asks, "What's Thomas plus Percy?" We could see a smile start to creep over his face as he realized what game his dad was playing. He also knew Percy minus James equals Thomas. Can you figure out the game?