Monday, November 24, 2008

Gender and Thanksgiving

I bet Western Washington University would have this class. They could study the different ways men and women eat, behave, and think at Thanksgiving. I bet they would say all straight white men gobble like hogs and watch football on TV while their imprisoned slave-wives work all day in the kitchen cooking and cleaning up. And that Thanksgiving should be changed to a day of mourning instead of a day of giving thanks for our blessings. And that Thanksgiving should be illegal and they should not close campus or government offices on such a racist day. That is what I heard when I went there. Seriously.

The gender roles are reversed at my house on Thanksgiving. That makes us socially acceptable for at least a little while I guess. M does ALL the cooking on Thanksgiving. I have never ever cooked a turkey. All I do is buy them on discount the year before. And we work together on clean up. With My Pathetic Doberman's help. Oh, I guess I do put the frozen vegetables in the microwave (but I don't take them out until after dinner)! I do make the best rolls though... and pie.

My best friend is cooking up a fantastic menu for her husband and two kids. I almost want to go over to her house on Thursday! Here is her menu:

Cheesy Spinach Souffle
Sweet Potatoes in Navel Orange Cups
Corn for the the picky boys that won't eat anything
Cornbread and Squash Stuffing
Costco rolls (gotta love Costco!)
Turkey and gravy, of course:)
Cranberry Sauce, maybe homemade, not sure yet
and homemade pumpkin pie. NOT from a can.
Maybe a chocolate pie for dh, haven't decided that yet, either

I asked M what we were having. He said, "Easy. Turkey. Mashed potatoes. Gravy. Sweet potatoes. Stuffing. Homemade bread?" I nod. "That would be great. Salad. And pie."

And there you have it. Gender and Thanksgiving.