Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Integumentary, My Dear Watson

We started our ten week unit on the human body with a quick look at cells and DNA:
Building DNA
And now we are working our way from the outside of the body to the inside!  The integumentary system is basically the skin, hair, and nails. 
The kids get fingerprinted.
Instead of the recommended experiment from my teacher's guide (bleaching hair and comparing its strength to an unbleached hair), we got a close look at our fingerprints.  We used this little kit to collect our fingerprints...  
 ...and I pulled out our colorful stamp pads to make fingerprint art.  While the kids were having fun making little lady bugs and caterpillars, I taught them "Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?"  Things got a little silly around here, let me tell you!  But then something serious happened!  Something really went missing!  Someone ate my CHIPS!
We dusted for prints and compared them to the prints we all did earlier.  Turns out it was ME (with Shane's help).  IJ said, "It couldn't have been me.  If I would have eaten all the chips, 1. I would not leave any prints and 2. I would dispose of the evidence by putting the empty bad inside another bag and then hiding THAT bag under a bunch of smelly garbage."  Criminal Mastermind? Nope, just well-informed thanks to this little book (he got it for his 7th or 8th birthday).