Monday, April 1, 2013


My (okay, our) little grandson is so adorable.  Mark brought Evie and Fiona to Ami's house to visit them all last week:
Sweet Smiles!
Expert Baby Holder
...which was great, but Charlie and company came HERE for a few days!  I haven't seen him (in real life) since he was three days old. 
Play nice, Auntie Lula!
Lula was funny.  She has never acted jealous of her siblings, but she did not like me holding Charlie!  She even crawled across the couch and sat in the spot Ami and Charlie had just vacated like she had to "own" the couch too.
I was happy to shoo Ami and Kris out the door for a walk in the sunshine while Charlie was sleeping.  "I'll holler for you when he wakes up!" I reassured the new mother.
Watching Baby Einstein
Of course I didn't.  Ami had already told me that Charlie is happiest and full of smiles when he first wakes up.  I hogged that sweetness all to myself!  If he had shown any little tiny sign of distress, I would have called Ami back right away because I know what it is like to worry over a baby who loves his mama.
Its helps that I'm a Nanna that still remembers how to hold a 3 month old and what songs they like to sing. Charlie was very content to sit with me.
We are so very thankful the weather cooperated and Charlie could go experience his first trip to Twin Firs outside!
But by the time he had his first "pond picture" he was ready to go inside for a meal.  And a nap, which he didn't really get.  He just isn't used to the constant noise that six other kids make-even when they are outside.
Boy do I love that lip.  And that baby.  I can't wait to see him again!