Monday, May 13, 2013

Small Men (Wet Sand)

Thanks to my dad's generosity, we were able to start filling our giant sandbox today!  On the way home, Mark and Ian took care of some manly shopping.  Ian is growing...and growing!  I just bought that kid shoes a few weeks ago and now he is wearing men's shoes!  And men's sized clothes!
I've always called Daniel my Little Man, but Ian now has the nickname Small Man.  The small men in my home got right to work filling the sandbox.  When they are done here, they are going back to their grandparent's house to shovel beauty bark.
Evie wanted a chance to prove she was strong enough to shovel beauty bark too, so I sent her out to prove herself with the sand.  There was no way my Little Man could stay away, so he was helping too.  And then the rain started pouring down!  POURING!
Wise Man
Wise men get out of the pouring rain.  Shoveling sand is hard work, but shoveling wet sand is even harder! (I'll let you figure out what the Small Men did)

My Small Men (and my Little Lady) are still hard at work (Little Man is already in a warm bath).  I just heard some thunder and Mark is shooing the kids under cover...I just heard one of my "smart" small men quote some statistic about lightning strikes and how unlikely it is that they would get struck.  Mark still made them get out of the truck bed and under cover.  I just love those guys.