Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fiona is Five

When I was thinking about what I wanted to say about Fiona turning five this year, I realized that her entire life is right here on this blog.  From the moment we first heard her heartbeat and found out she was a girl, from the day she was born, and every birthday and funny moment since, most of it is right here.  Stories that I never would have gotten around to recording in her baby book or moments I would have forgotten before my bedtime journal writing can be found here, along with pictures! 
The sun was bright for Fiona's fifth birthday.  This meant we could spend the day outside, but it also meant the pictures were all...squinty or overexposed.  Next cloudy day I will get her back out for some better pictures.
I heard a story about a little girl that woke up on her fifth birthday and announced that " I am five years old, I am old enough to go to school and get my ears pierced!"  Her consolation prize was to walk to the mailbox all by herself and she had to wait until she was 9 to get her ears pierced.  That was me...and I think it is safe to say that Fiona is my mini-me.  She was full of that same confidence all day long.  Just ask her dance teacher!  Or don't...
The sweetest moment from yesterday was in the morning, before Fiona was even out of bed.  Daniel asked where "Nina" was.  I told him she was still sleeping, but he could go wake her up.  "Make sure you say Happy Birthday to her!"  His little wheels started turning and he got all bossy with me.  "Stay there!" he said.  I was trying to get back to my room so I could get dressed, so I reassured him that I would not follow him and that he would be the one to wake her up.  When we got back to the bedrooms, he stopped to make sure I was actually going into my bedroom.  After I was safely out of the way, he sneaked into Fiona's room and started quietly singing "Happy Birthday to You."  *smile*