Friday, January 17, 2014

Art [FAIL]

I found what I thought was a cute art project.  I don't want to link directly to it, but if you google glue suncatchers, you will see a link for a blog about art for kids, yada yada yada.
All you do is pour white school glue into a plastic food lid, add color, swirl with a stick, and let dry.  When it's dry, peel the lid away, punch a hole in the top, and hang in a window to brighten up the dreary winter days.  And we need some brightening, let me tell you. The site said it could take up to three days to dry, which is no big deal...
...unless it has been four days and the glue is still so wet it sticks to your finger when you test it and the colors have all run together in a big nasty mess.
Luckily we have reached the weekend and the kids are all wrapped up in their video games and can't remember anything anymore.  Maybe I can toss them in the trash before Monday...