Monday, January 5, 2015

Navel Gazing

Guess who can find her bellybutton?  She is so cute pulling her shirt up with a big smile on her face!

Today was our first day of school after the Christmas break.  I have learned a few things in my years of homeschooling.

The first is handwriting books are not busy work that a student can work on while I'm working with another student.  Once a body learns to form a letter a certain way, it is really hard to break that habit.  I have since suspended all handwriting activities for both Evie and Fiona until I am sure they can both form letters the right way.

Always bring an apple to the teacher on the first day.
Second, there is no way I can have a structured day that adheres to a time table.  No way at all.  My life has way too many variables.  I never know who is going to wake up in what order or what mood.  I can't predict a single thing.  Going with the flow and having seven kids and getting everything checked off my list can be such a mind-boggling experience that I don't think I could ever even keep track of what made today successful.  I still have a few things left: Ian needs to finish his math (when I get off my computer), Shane and Ian need to do chemistry, I need to finish installing Rosetta Stone on the kids' new computer, Evie needs to read about Benjamin Franklin, and the laundry isn't quite finished.  And I don't know what is for dinner (I knew I was forgetting to do something)!

It took me four times longer to create this activity than it took Daniel to complete it.

Third, I need to feed their bodies before I can even think about feeding their minds.  We originally planned to put the entire family on a Whole30 for the month of January, but have since changed plans.  We are now just limiting bread and sugar and boosting veggie consumption.  Once we run through our holiday leftovers, we will get more strict.  Nothing derails my day faster than the kids needing to eat breakfast (cereal) and then needing a snack 90 minutes later (toast).  And then needing lunch 90 minutes after that (pb&j).  Fast, convenient food only keeps my kids satisfied for the amount of time it took to prepare.  This morning they got scrambled eggs and a green smoothie and lasted two hours before they needed another meal.  It will take them awhile to get to the point where they are eating Whole30 type meals for breakfast, but I am looking forward to them being able to focus on their schoolwork for a few hours between meals!

The Isolation Table (where Ian hides)
The rest of this school year, I am going to really challenge myself to get things done.  Homeschooling five kids with two babies underfoot plus run a household is not an easy task!  Next year will be even harder (unless I send them to school), so if I can succeed this year, next year won't be as daunting.