Friday, November 21, 2014

Pecked to Death

Fiona would excel at Common Core math.  When I asked her what 6 - 6 was, she answered 6.  *deep breath* I said, "Let's pretend six dogs were playing at the park.  Six dogs went home.  How many dogs are still playing in the park?"  Six.  "Can you tell me how six dogs are playing in the park if all six went home?"

If the rumors are true, if a student can explain their incorrect answer, they get full credit.

"Well, if there were actually twelve dogs playing, then..."
"But there weren't!  There were only SIX dogs playing at the park!"

I thought that by seeing the numbers on the abacus would help her out, really I did.  I, with great faith, started her on RightStart Math remembering what great success I had teaching Evie.  Evie was able to see four digit numbers in her head and add them with regrouping without using paper or pencil when she was this age.  Fiona can't even count 16 pennies without forgetting what she is doing.  I've put her back in Saxon.

Teaching Fiona math is like being pecked to death by chickens, I kid you not.  She is a wonderfully lovely vivacious little girl, but I'm pretty sure numbers aren't in her future...unless she works for the government balancing their budget.

"What's five minus five?"
"Did you really just ask me that?"
"You just get five and take away five."
"Oh! Okay!"