Monday, February 27, 2017

Daniel's Winter Camp Out

Daniel got to spend the weekend participating with the Cub Scouts at their Winter Campout.  He and Mark didn't stay overnight (both of them like to go to bed early and get up early and eat their own food early), but they still had lots of fun!

One of the fun activities was a giant swing.  The swing was simply a climbing harness attached to a long rope.  The rule was, if the harness fit, you could swing.

 The way the swing worked was you climb a tall ladder on a platform, get pulled by a staff member until you were really high in the air, and when you were ready, you unhooked another rope and you swung free over a ravine.  I'm so glad I wasn't there.
See that tiny thing up there? That's my baby.
 I much prefer the safety of a climbing wall.

They also played lots of fun, competitive games and Daniel was chosen for teams frequently.  He has been a late bloomer socially, so have Cub Scouts has been invaluable.  Being stuck between two sets of sisters was supposed to gentle him a bit, but I don't like the way he is starting to mimic the way they talk.

Wilderness survival was probably the most fun.  Daniel built a very nice shelter, don't you think?