Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sea Scouts

The most exciting opportunity has happened to Shane.  We have discovered Sea Scouts.  Sea Scouts is a part of the Boy Scouts of America.  The local group meets in Tacoma, is mostly homeschoolers and college students, and is co-led by his (and Genna's) science teacher.

Shane, signing in
Their group sails an 89 foot sail boat every meeting and goes out for a weekend trip once a month.  Shane will be the youngest crew member, but he is inspired to start working his way up the ranks.  They go for a ten day excursion in the San Juan islands every summer!

This group operates just like Mark's Boy Scout troop operated when he was younger.  He is impressed.  The first night Shane was there, they took the boat out in super windy conditions and "buried the rails" which means went so sideways that the edge of the boat was under water.  Exciting!