Thursday, March 9, 2017

Dominant Male

Jason owns us. PWNS us.

We are having so much fun with him.  After two late talkers, his ability to pick up words and phrases is an endless source of entertainment for us.  We say, "Who wants a cookie?" or "Who's the cutest baby?" or whatever with the same voice pattern and he says, "MEEEEeeeee!"  Only when Daniel started being naughty with his questions, I taught Jason to say, "Not me!"

He listens to the conversations around him and inserts himself when he understands.  The other day he was nursing (yes, he is still nursing) and I asked, "Where's Heidi?"  He popped off, like I was talking to him, and answered, "I don't know," and went back to work.  And speaking of nursing, today he popped off to tell me, "Mine!"  I guess we can share for a little while longer.  He has about seven weeks before he beats the Longest Nurser record.

The other day he told me he wanted to go potty.  No, I'm not kidding.  I put the little potty seat on for him and he actually went potty.  This pretty much guarantees that he won't be actually potty trained until he is three years old.

He asks for cocoa.  He refuses to use sippy cups or let me feed him.  He likes to drink while holding the cup with ONE hand.  He spills a lot.  On purpose.  He loves cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, and Mark's saute.  And olives, nuts, and salad.  And raisins.

He added Old McDonald to his song list.  Hearing him belt out E-I-E-I-O while he is playing trains or cars is precious.

But the most precious thing is how he interacts with his brothers and sisters.  He has Genna and Fiona wrapped around his little finger and competes ferociously with Heidi.  But last night, he proved he was King of the Beasts.  Ian and Shane were playfully punching each other and competing over who was the more dominant one.  Jason grunted some baby talk and pointed to a chair that he and Ian had just been sitting in, eating popcorn rice cakes.  Ian asked what he wanted.  I told him Jason wanted him to sit back down.  Ian sat back in the car and Jason climbed back up.  I started to laugh because Jason was obviously the dominant of the three.  How so? When he told Ian to sit, Ian sat.