Thursday, March 19, 2009

What the Hail?

It always seems like we get the craziest weather in late Winter/early Spring. The other night we had a hail storm. Like usual, I let the kids go outside and play even though it was dark and cold and wet. They had a blast. You can't tell by looking at the picture, but the hail was just streaming down so fast! I was amazed.

I was going to write a book review for my latest favorite book. But since three of my kids (S, F, and M) are sick with fever and crankiness, I will settle for copying some info from The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had by Susan Wise Bauer "is designed for adults seeking self-education in the classical tradition." "...this readable book provides solid, step-by-step advice on how to read some of the world's great books with discipline and comprehension." And here is a funny picture of the arm of my chair. The Well-Educated Mind stacked with my first Classic: Go, Dog. Go! Watch out Plato, here comes P.D. Eastman! Go, Dog. Go! is by far the best children's sight word reader ever written. S has been reading it to me. I'm actually only reading how to read classical books, no actual classics yet. I'm sticking to knitting books until these guys feel better.