Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dog Bath & Music Toy

Now that A is no longer...ah... well, lets just say I have absorbed some new tasks. Bathing My Pathetic Doberman is now one of my latest duties. Here we are at bath time yesterday! Oh what fun! I had no idea how much fun bathing a dog could be. I had to drag her into the bathroom, but once I had her front feet in the tub she hopped right in. She stood perfectly still the whole time. She even let me dry one foot at a time as she was getting out of the tub. But once she was free... let's just say my rug hasn't been that rumpled in a long time! No other dog can do the After Bath Scamper like My Pathetic Doberman!

Now, does F remind you of anyone in this picture? How about this cutey-patooty? (This is an old picture of S when he was 11 months old) They both realized at a young age (11 months) that when one sits on this particular toy, the music keeps playing until one crawls off the blue screen. Does the fact that F seems to do a lot of the same things S did disturb me? Sometimes. S certainly gave me a run for my money when he was two years old. But we survived :)