Monday, December 14, 2009

Frozen Pond Part 3

Today the rain returned, but yesterday we did get a little tiny bit of snow...

After we stood in the freezing cold waving to strangers and smiling, in order to sell Christmas trees for the Scouts (we sold two...and I got to tell a bum to get away from the tree stand before I called the cops-scary!). How far could we go out on the ice? This far:Well, that's how far IJ would go. Not me. I wouldn't leave the safety of the bank. M tested the ice for safety. F also went out on the ice and M had fun sliding her around: And whenever she fell down and got cold hands, Daddy was there to scoop her up and warm her little hands in his jacket: And he hasn't been able to get rid of her since! IJ had the most fun slipping, sliding, and pulling himself across the ice with the rescue rope M set up, you know, just in case someone fell through: S and E wouldn't leave the house. They had had enough of cold I guess. S isn't much of a cold lover. And I'm really ready for some warmer weather because of this: I just love pushing those cats out the front door. And when its gets warmer, I'm sure they will be more likely to STAY outdoors. I have noticed however that since these cats have been tossed out in the cold whenever they leave "their" room, they've stopped scratching the door to get out...